From 5 to 11 October, “La Vendemmia di Via Montenapoleone“ starts again in Milan. The event, now in its eleventh edition, is conceived and promoted by Montenapoleone District and realized in collaboration with the Comitato Grandi Cru d’Italia and, also this year it is during the ‘Milano Wine Week‘ staged from 3 to 11 October.

The wines, national and international, become protagonists in the boutique Global Luxury Brands of the Fashion District that welcome guests for wine-tastings on request.

These are the words of Guglielmo Miani, president of the Montenapoleone District: ‘With the harvest we renow one again our desire to celebrate the union between the world of fashion and wine, two pillars of Made in Italy. Love for beauty and research, between tradition and innovation, that we breathe in the Milan streets and boutiques, are enhanced in the week of ‘La Vendemmia’, one of the events that contributes to increase the prestige of Milan also internationally’.

The partecipation to ‘La Vendemmia’ is, for the first time, also digital: on the Instragram TV, thanks to the speech of fashion and wine entrepreneurs, some mouthpieces of the most famous Maison and ambassadors of the Italian lifestyle in the world.

Among the activities planned, the 7th October, a Masterclass organized by Gambero Rosso at the Four Seasons Hotel, in which partecipated also Cantina Toblino with L’Ora, awarded with the 3 Bicchieri.

A white wine that defies time, L’Ora of Toblino, from Nosiola grapes, a lustrum (2015) that gives further complexity to the white obtained with one of the great autochthonous varieties.”

Lorenzo Ruggeri, food and wine journalist for Gambero Rosso, described Cantina Toblino as ‘a reality in which 600 partners work together according to a strict protocol that allows them to create great wines, environmental sustainability, continuity and many projects on different land. Its Nosiola, the unique great Trentino native grape, is a very particular but versatile variety, which allows the production of great dry and sweet wines. It has a character that comes out of the chor, with hints and rhythms that taste of other time.’

The Nosiola, aged for 5 years, was a surprise both for the critics and the guests present at the event.

‘«This century of ours, born and raised under the sign of industrial civilization, first invented the machine and then made it its own model of life.

Speed “‹”‹has become our chain, we are all in the throes of a fast life, which upsets our habits. But man sapiens must recover his wisdom and free himself from the speed that can reduce him to an endangered species.

Against those who confuse efficiency with frenzy, we offer an adequate portion of pleasures to be practiced in slow and prolonged enjoyment.

Let’s start right at the table with Slow Food, rediscovering the richness and aromas of local cuisine.

If fast life, in the name of productivity, has changed our lives and threatens the environment and the landscape, Slow Food is today the avant-garde response.

Here, in the development of taste, true culture can begin, then progress can begin, with the international exchange of stories, knowledge, projects. Slow Food ensures a better future.

Slow Food is an idea that needs many qualified supporters to make this (slow) movement an international movement, of which the snail is the symbol.’»

Good, clean and fair. This is the philosophy of the cellars towards which Slow Wine,’ life stories, vineyards and wines in Italy pushes the visitor. A wine guide produced by Slow Food that reviews wines and cellars, thanks to the help of a number of collaborators that are now close to 300 people. A mapping of the territory that has no equal and that allows you to always report new companies and oenological realities to insiders and simple enthusiasts.

The guide assigns its awards to the most deserving companies both for the quality of the wine and for the quality of the agriculture used to produce it.

The goal is to tell the history of the cellars, to describe the vineyards and the cultivation systems adopted to conclude with the judgment of the wines. For this reason Slow Wine is the most complete Italian guide, suitable for everyone: both for readers who are just at the beginning of their journey of discovering wine, and for more experienced wine lovers, who are looking for advice on how to buy a bottle rather than another.

Cantina Toblino was awarded with the Moneta, symbol assigned to wineries that have expressed a good relationship between quality and price. To Da Fòra Manzoni Bianco Trentino Doc Bio was awarded the title of’ Top Wine, wine that from an organoleptic point of view has achieved excellence during tastings.

The novelty of the 2021 guide is represented by the new cover, which differs considerably from the previous ones in terms of graphics and materials used. This is in fact printed on CRUSH Uva 350.

CRUSH is the new ecological range of paper made with by-products of agro-industrial processes that replace up to 15% of cellulose from trees.

Grape residues are reused as a noble raw material. The materials are visible on the paper surface and give an unusual tactile appearance.

This is good news for the environment at a time when traditional paper production heavily affects forest resources and the growing scarcity of nature reserves.

The eco-friendly paper CRUSH, it contains, within its formulation, components with low environmental impact, both in terms of product and energy. By using agro-industrial waste and 100% green energy, the carbon footprint is reduced by 20%.

These values “‹”‹are the same that Cantina Toblino has been trying to promote for years, such as the enhancement of the territory and sustainability both at an environmental and social level.